Events calendar
Here is the list of our next thematic evenings, to be booked in your agenda.
Sekhmet Birthday party
Thursday 12 December
Thursday 12 December from 9pm to 3am.
Gender-neutral price €60 per person
Guest of honour Thai Mistress
Distinguished BDSM-Fetish dress code required.
Sushi bar, sweet buffet, two drinks per person included.
New Year's Eve Royal 2024
Tuesday 31 December
Dinner + club package: €575 per couple
Dinner: 8.30pm / 8.45pm (at the latest) - 1 aperitif + 1 half bottle of wine per person, all-you-can-eat soft drinks (excluding cocktails), starter, main course, dessert & coffee.
Club: 4 drinks per person (excluding cocktails)
Club formula from 00:30
Couple: €225 / single woman: €100
3 consos per person (excluding cocktails), buffet of mignardises, fruit, coffee.
Dress code: chic and sexy in red and black
The Taken Club and its team are delighted to take you back to 2025 for a night of euphoria!